Things going slow,host is being extra careful,which is for the best. Dare i say we could be up in the middle of the week. Here's a sneak preview of what it looks like to whet your appetite. It's a test site which is on my computer,but the look will be exact,obviously it will have all the normal foums on it ect.
Waiting for my host to sort some stuff out. We should be able to to put a backup on which is way before the hack. Not interested in what is being said about this on the net.
Forgot i had this blog thing,it showed up in my stats and some of you have been looking at it. I'm working on fixing the main site,hope to have it sorted by the weekend. POSTMAN
We are the largest UK Postal Workers Website on the net. While we are heavily influenced by Postmen and Postwomen from all over the UK,we have discussion forums for everyone in the business group and for customers as well.
"Our aim is to provide the latest postal news and the best forums for discussion of the day to day dealings within Royal Mail. We would also encourage CWU Reps, Union members, Royal Mail employees and of course customers,to use the site as a means to pass on their hard earned knowledge and experience to those that might find it useful."
The site is owned,financed,run and moderated by Postmen from the UK for our colleagues and customers of Royal Mail.