At the time of writing 71 'rebel MPs' have already signed a Commons early day motion (EDM) saying they are opposed to part-privatisation of Royal Mail because they want Royal Mail to remain "wholly publicly-owned", in line with the policy for postal services agreed at Labour's conference last year.
Earlier today, Mandelson met around 60 Labour MPs in the Commons to discuss the issue,with Mandy saying "I happen to believe that if you are going to open a market, if you are going to liberalise it and open it to greater competition, then the existing player has to be in a position to take on that competition." Which is all very well,except he's said it 6 years too late!
Plans to sell-off part of the Royal Mail will be put to Parliament within weeks despite the threat of the large-scale rebellion by Labour backbenchers.
Oh,and Mandy lies when he says "taxpayers could not be expected to bear the added strain of stumping up the "hundreds of millions" needed to modernise Royal Mail."